Sunday, March 15, 2009


Forest Gump.

"Mama said, lifes like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gunna get." Forest Gump said. The film Forest Gump, is the ultimate representation of war. It may not be super heavy and depressing but at the same time it still reminds me of war all the time. Forest is sent to war in Vietnam where he meets his best friend Bubba. During the war scenes that they show there, Forest gets shot in the ass, Bubba gets shot and dies, and his Lutenet Dan gets both of his legs removed. When I think about the war that they protray in this movie, and how it is lighter and not as heavy as say Saving Private Ryan which is really heavy and more depressing, I think I like it better because it doesn't make you feel as sad I guess. It also has very funny parts to it, that are hilarious. Everybody has different opinions on war, it will always be that way. Although, I believe that war is not the way to go. PEACE

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