Sunday, February 1, 2009

Natural Disaster

Jacobs, Andrew. "Superstitions About Quake Meet the Web, Irritating the Chinese Authorities ." The New York Times. 16 May 2008. 2 Feb 2009 .

In the fascinating article, Superstitions About Quake Meet the Web, Irritating the Chinese Authorities written by Andrew Jacobs, the question is; can earth quakes be predicted? From toads flooding the streets left and right to cows going to the nearest enclosures. Animals don't normally act like this, so why did Chinese government ignore these signs? That's what the people want to know. "Did they not care?" The government does care about their people. Many were indeed killed in this horrific event, although many were saved. All this came about due the a rumor via internet and now a man is being punished for this information. So all it comes down to, is is the information true? Or Is it just a rumor and mislead information? Indeed some may differ and disagree one the situation at hand, but at the moment there is nothing else to do about it. Hoping the best for everybody in China and other struggling areas around the world, and any places in this world affected by horrific natural disasters.

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